
Before adding new letters to Cx we must check that the letter has been approved and adheres to LiveWest's Tone of Voice. If there are any legal communications or anything a bit unusual, such as different colour fonts, this must be approved by comms first.

The requester will hopefully provide you with the word template as well as their change request form.

  • Does the change request form include the approver details?
    • If not please ask the requester for this information. If legal communications, or unusual forward to communications team and ask for their approval.

  • If its not clear on the change request form, ask the requester from which Entity/Menu item the Letter needs to be available from?
    • You need to know this information before you can add the letter to Cx.

  • Ask the requester which fields/tags should be pulled into the letter? E.g. You may need to seek clarification as to whether a name in the document is the author, the logged in user, or someone else.
    • We can pull field tags into letters but we can also add parameters, which are questions or prompts for the generator of the letter to answer.

  • We can set-up digital signatures for LiveWest team members in the Quick Menu > Users in Cx. You may wish to ask for a digital signature at the same time.
    • Unfortunately, we cannot see who already has a digital signature in Cx.
    • Please follow this link for guidance on setting up digital signatures for LiveWest team members.

  • To edit existing Word templates in Cx you must have 'Use word to edit template' box ticked on your Profile in Cx:


  1. Open the Cx Test environment.
  2. Type 'Comm' in the top right-hand-side Quick menu and click on 'Communication definitions' within the Configuration menu items.
  3. When the communication definitions screen loads, you will find list of existing communications on the left-hand-side menu.
  4. To save time, you can clone an existing letter, to retain the relevant settings for that area of the business.
  5. To search for a letter to clone, search for the business area to filter results in the left-hand-side menu.
  6. Click on the letter you wish clone, in the right-hand-side menu, and the details will load on the page. [Ideally you would have an existing blank template available.]
  7. Check that the Module and Entity field are showing the correct information, this is where the letter will be available to users in Cx. Also the Recipient Type is relevant to the Module you have selected.
  8. Click on Clone Communication.
  9. Give your new letter a unique Title. Please do not special characters in the document name as this conflicts with the record centre integration. However, hyphens '-' are acceptable.
  10. If there is a Type menu to select from, leave as 'All' selected, unless the requester has specified.
  11. If the requester wants the letter to appear in the Ad-Hoc menu in Cx, ensure that the Ad Hoc Allowed setting has been ticked.
  12. Ensure the EDM setting is ticked, if the entity already exists in SharePoint, to ensure details are shared with SharePoint.
  13. Update the Effective From Date to todays date.
  14. Click on Save. Its good practice to save the cloned settings at this point to prevent downstream errors.
  15. To add in any required Parameters, click on New Parameter. If a Parameter is not required move onto step 23.
  16. Add the Parameter name with no spaces. Choose a name which describes the question/prompt well to the team who will be generating the letters E.G. The Aftercare team wants to add the Area Aftercare Manager to their letters so we added a Parameter titled 'AreaAftercareManager.'
  17. Add the Parameter description.
  18. Parameter order will default to 0. If you have multiple Parameters to add you may wish to order them, by assigning an order number to them, in the same order they are required in the letter. If you have one Parameter leave as it is.
  19. Select the appropriate Data Type, in most cases this would be Text.
  20. If you wish to make the Parameter non-mandatory, to allow the generators of the letters to save draft letters without this information, make sure the mandatory box is not ticked. 
  21. Tick the include as an additional tag tick box to allow you to add this new parameter to your document template.
  22. Click Save and check that you can see the new parameter you have just created.
  23. To check the letter settings, navigate to Templates and highlight the Template. Settings will appear on the right-hand-side of the page.
  24. Check that the Default Queue field has 'Send to PDF'. This puts the document in the correct queue to be sent to SharePoint.
  25. Check Default Template field is ticked.
  26. Check Queue Override Allowed field is ticked.
  27. Check Double Sided field is ticked if they wish to print double sided letters.
  28. Check Colour field is ticked if they wish to print in colour.
  29. Check SSRS is not ticked. This is used for SQL server reports instead of Word Templates. Therefore is not required for Word Templates.
  30. If you have changed any settings click on Save.
  31. Preview the letter in Cx. Once you are happy with the blank template and template settings, you can now edit it in Word.
  32. Click on Edit Template in Word.
  33. The Template will be saved to your Downloads folder.
  34. Open the file from your Downloads folder.
  35. Login to Cx via the Cx Add In within the document.
  36. Your Username is your domain and full name E.G.\jen.coffey .
  37. Your Password is your laptop password.
  38. Once you have logged in successfully you will see the Entities, Tags, and Parameters on the right-hand-side menu. Please note that it will give you all of the Entities and their Tags, but only the relevant Entity tags, based on the Module and Entity fields the template has been added to in Cx, can be successfully added to the word document.
  39. Before adding any information to the Letter, please update the Margins. Click on Layout> Margins > Custom Margins and the custom margins pop-up menu will appear.
  40. Change the Top Margin to 2.
  41. Change the Bottom Margin to 3.75. This must be done, on the first page to allow for the footer.
  42. Change the Left Margin to 2.
  43. Change the Right Margin to 2 and Save.
  44. [If the letter is two pages long, you will need to add a page break after the first page, and add a custom margin from that point forward with a Bottom Margin of 2.]
  45. The letter must have 5 spaces at the top so that it fits into an envelope correctly.
  46. Copy and Paste the letter wording from the word template provided by the requester into the letter.
  47. On the Developer Tab click on Design Mode to see the Placeholders around existing tags.
  48. To add a tag to the letter, click to place the cursor where you would like the tag to be entered, then double click the tag in the right-hand-side Add-Ins menu.
  49. Format the tags. Using format painter, highlight the tag and ensure it will have the same formatting as the body of the letter.
  50. Check the spacing of the tags.
  51. Parameters can be added the same way as tags. Take care to remove any template text that is no longer required and add the appropriate spacing.
  52. Again, format the Parameters. Using format painter, highlight the Parameter and ensure it will have the same formatting as the body of the letter.
  53. Read through the document and check there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.
  54. Once you are happy with the letter click on Upload to Cx.
  55. A pop-up will appear asking if you would like to save the document. Click Yes.
  56. You will then see a successful message.
  57. In Cx, click on the template and you will now see an updated preview of the Letter. [Sometimes the address will not preview in this screen, but it will show when the letter is generated in the system.]
  58. Ensure the Effective From Date is set to todays date on both the Letter settings and the template in Cx.
  59. Click on Save and close this screen.
  60. You can now test generating the letter, as a user would, in Cx Test.
  61. Once the requester is happy with the letter it can be added to Cx Live, you can also future date the Effective From Date if required.
  62. Once the letter has been created Hayley Light must be informed. Please send Hayley an email [email protected] and she will create an alias in SharePoint with the same letter name. You must do this so that the letter will successfully be recognised once it has been sent from Cx to the Record Centre.

Guidance on adding Tables to letters TBC

Related Guidance:

Cx - Editing a Word Template Letter