- For the following two scenarios, all requests must be sent to [email protected] to check the data held within sequel to advise and approve the change.
- Former DCH property with a build date after 01/04/14
- Former Knightstone property with a build date after 01/04/17
N.B: To determine whether a property is DCH or Knighstone, check the Asset Management Group on the asset details. If the code is prefixed with DCH, it is a former DCH property. If the code if prefixed with KHA, it is a former Knightstone property.
- Build Construction dates outside of the above scenarios will need to be sent to [email protected] to approve.
If you have a small number of records to update:
In Cx:
- Search for and select the asset that requires updating.
- Open the Asset Details.
- Update the Construction date to the correct date as per the request. NOTE: If the requestor has only provided the year and not the full date, use 01/01/XXXX.
- Select Save.
Keystone: [Load in Microsoft Edge.]
- Click on Asset Management > Asset Searcher (KAM), enter address details, and click on 'Search' to search for the property.
- Double click on the correct Asset result to open the property record.
- Click on the Classifications tab.
- Click on Built In Year and select the correct option from the list.
- Click Save to save your changes.
- Check the CX Asset Construction Date is correct (will automatically update via the integration).
To notify once the change is complete:
Once the change is complete, please include the following people in the Fresh Service ticket closure response:
- [email protected]
[email protected] Angus is covering for John Shaw, whilst John is assigned to the CX Assets Project.
In Cx Live the integration between Cx and Keystone, from the Cx Construction Date field to the Cx Asset Construction Date in Keystone is overnight so your requester won't see the change in Keystone until the next day.
In Cx Test: you may wish to refresh the interface in Keystone Test to ensure that the change from the Cx Construction Date field in Cx Test to the Cx Asset Construction Date in Keystone was successful.
Please note: There is no integration to the Keystone Built in Year field, this has to be updated manually as per the Keystone section above.
If you have a large number of records to update:
If you have a large number of records to update this can be done in SQL management Studio using your admin account to run a date checking script and then an update script.
N.B. You must still perform the pre-requisite checks mentioned above and notify everyone after the change has been made.
It has been agreed that Cx Construction dates can be update this way, but the Built in Year field in Keystone will be done by the Asset Management Team via a KGI update. So once you have completed the works, you will need to send the data back to Angus Mentor to request the KGI update, as well as notifying everyone mentioned above.
TBC Jen Coffey to update this bit shortly.
The Data Checking Script will allow you to find the CX Asset Reference when you have been provided Keystone References and assign the Asset IDs to your temp table. However, most importantly it will allow you to export the Asset Management Group for each record in Bulk to perform the pre-requisite checks.