- All requests must have sufficient evidence provided prior to updating the number of storeys. This could be photographic evidence from the Housing Officer, or can be checked via google maps if the property is visible.
In Cx:
- Search for and select the asset that requires updating.
- Open the Asset Details.
- Select the Characteristics tab.
- Double click on the existing Storey row.
- Update the value field with the correct number of storeys and select confirm.
- The storeys characteristic will move to the top of the list and will have an orange flag against it. Select save.
- The storeys characteristic will return to it's original position in the list with the correct value against it.
Number of Storeys can be found in the asset classifications in Keystone. This will be automatically update in the overnight refresh of the interface.
NOTE: Currently there is a bug stopping the Storeys in Keystone being automatically updated. Please update Keystone manually until the bug is fixed.
To notify once the change is complete:
Once the change is complete, please include the following people in the Fresh Service ticket closure response: