
  • All requests to update Bedroom Numbers must be sent to [email protected] (Operations Manager, Income) to approve before completion.

In Cx:

  1. Search for and select the asset that requires updating. 
  2. Open the Asset Details. 
  3. Type the correct number of bedrooms into the 'Bedrooms' field. 
  4. Select Save. 


The Number of Bedrooms can be found in the asset classifications in Keystone. This will be automatically update in the overnight refresh of the interface. 

To notify once the change is complete:

Once the change is complete, please include the following people in the Fresh Service ticket closure response:

  1. [email protected]
  2. [email protected]
  3. [email protected]

if there are other asset changes to be made, after you have updated the Bedroom numbers, such as change of detachment, please follow this guidance.