- Ensure that this change is only to be made to an existing address
- Check in postcode finder that the requested postcode change is correct
- Look for any other properties/schemes with the same incorrect postcode and check if they also need changing
- If there are any queries over the postcode information that has been provided, send the request to John Shaw to sense check.
In Cx:
- Access 'Address' in the Quick Menu.
- Enter the address in the 'Search Address' box
- Double click on the address required to open the Address details screen. Update the 'Postcode' field and then click on 'Format' to update the Formatted Address field.
- If there is any lettering in the address, e.g. Flat A/ MOF, ensure that the formatted address has the letters capitalised.
- Save the details and Close
- Confirm 'No' on the popup - 'do you wish to update the formatted address?'
- The details now need to be pushed through to Keystone by updating the Keystone Fields within the Cx Asset Details screen
- Search for the address in the Standard top Search bar
- Double click on the address from the Asset Results shown and then click on 'Asset Details'
- Make a (temporary) change to one of the Keystone Fields on the right hand side of the screen so it can then be saved.
Change the Keystone Field back to what it was originally and then Save again - this will automatically push the updated details through to Keystone.
- These changes now need to be pushed through to URM and DRS - speak to Matt regarding this.
- Going forward some of these changes should automatically be pushed through, either when the versions are upgraded or when MuleSoft is in place and working.
To notify once the change is complete:
Once the change is complete, please include the following people in the Fresh Service ticket closure response: