Can't Save a Communication 


  • Ensure communication type is always set to "General Communications" and select a "Communication Subject" relevant to the call. 


CRM Communication creates an error message 


Please do not try to copy & paste in an email trail: this is not recommended. There are maximum characteristics in the CRM comm and also hidden formatting, so suggest not putting an entire trail on. Instead summarise email and upload to LiveWest record centre OR paste only the actual message not the header/footers/recipient info etc considering the size of the email.  


If the error message is visible and you aren’t copying an email trail then you may need to clear your Browser cache.

To clear your cache 



  • Close all chrome browsers 
  • Reopen chrome browser 
  • Open the browser settings ( three dots top right corner ) 
  • Click "Privacy and setting" on the left hand of the screen 
  • Select Clear browsing data 
  • Select all tick boxes under the basic tab and ensure the time is changed to be "All Time" rather than "Last hour." (note can just clear cache, rather than cookies or history though) 
  • Click Clear data 
  • Close browser 
  • Reopen Cx from tile in Windows Menu 


Do not try to reopen a new communication if an error occurs when raising a customer communication. Ensure you have the CRM Process Communication Pan on your home Pane. Please click home on the top left corner of your Cx screen and expand CRM Process Communication pane. Check for your name and double click to open the CRM communication. This will open the previous customer communication you had raised but not completed – you can now either add in the communication details and then complete the communication or cancel the communication.