Case updates
If contact received from a customer with an update relating to a recent case, don’t send an email. Within the case, select New Task, and Case Update. Add Task notes detailing what the update is and this task will be visible to the case owner when you reassign to the case owner or the person you want to see the Case update. Once the case owner has read the update, they complete the task.
Case View
When you are in grid view - more options are available to see - Forms to complete are only available in Grid view
In Status and SLA view - the tasks may not refresh, forms are not able to be populated in these views. Click Switch View to change
Note the training team have created the manuals with the status view
Linked Cases
Creating a new linked case, note the cases reference and manually link them if required.
Refresh Case or Task Details tabs
Refresh by selecting 'menu' on the right and selecting 'show current'