To Print (& go to Sharepoint) 

All communications have a default queue - currently they are set as send to pdf. 

If not overriding the print queue (see next section) you will need to go to the communications print queue (left hand menu), select the send to pdf queue (within manually managed section) and click on the letter and then click send.  The letter will then convert to pdf and then open - at this point you can email this to the customer or add to the queue to print (whether facilities or your own print queue).   

Manage Queue 

Send to pdf queue will be shown within the manually managed section - you will need to select letter with a tick box and click 'Send'. This will open a pdf document so you can email to customer or still print to a different queue, it will also go over to Sharepoint at this stage.  Note if the Print Queue had already been amended (override queue) to go to LW - Office Colour or LW Office Mon then these will go straight to your own print queue and also go to Sharepoint automatically. 



Queue override 

All communications have a default queue - currently they are set as send to pdf. 

To override to go straight to the print queue at the confirmation for CRM stage 

  1. The apply override queue box is grey until you click to select the letter 
  2. Once selected the menu top left shows the list of printers - e.g. LW-Office Colour 
  3. Click to select. Note it will not change the queue at this stage. 
  4. The Apply Override Queue now becomes available.  This must be clicked. 
  5. Once clicked the queue will change within the letter table (see pic 3)  

If letters are sent straight to the printer e.g. overriding to LW Officer colour or Mono – letters will go straight to Sharepoint.  





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