Allpay PRN (See Page 34 of Arrears training manual) 


Allpay PRN can be found within Rent Account, navigate to the User Defined tab. Add 19 digit PRN and Save. 


Universal Credit Information (See Page 34-36 of Arrears training manual) 


Universal Credit information can be found within Rent Account, navigate to the User Defined tab. 

Note if multiple UC claimants within Household then tick the Multiple Claimants check box and add in an income diary note action with the customer details. 


Housing Benefit/Universal Credit Entitlements and References (See Page 34-36 of Arrears training manual) 


HB/UC References are added within the Expected Payments Tab within the Rent Account.  Note you will need to edit the reference that is populated in the box automatically. Also ALWAYS untick the Monitor Expected column. 

Also the amounts that go in will be 1penny and clawback of 1penny too as we are not populating the HB amounts in Cx as we do not have interfaces with all the HB authorities. 

