Authorise action 

To authorise the action - note only certain Cx roles can authorise actions: Income Managers (includes Team Leaders), Supported Housing Managers, 

  1. Go into the left hand menu, then click on Rents, Authorise arrears actions 
  2. Find the action you would like to check then you can select the action and go into account details 
  3. In account details though you can only check the action and history 
  4. To authorise the action you have to revert back to the authorise actions screen. 
  5. Double click on the row and a small little authorise actions box. 
  6. Authorise the action BUT it has not completed the action as yet you still then have to go back into the arrears screen and complete the action then. 

Note if an action has been authorised but not confirmed, the action will remain in the Process Actions tab with a status of: Authorisation Confirmed so can find them easily. 
