CSC Numbers and Redirection (mainly to Mango)

These are the 3 main numbers LiveWest uses for Customer Calls:

  1. South 03001238080
  2. North 01934526000
  3. North 08458729729

How to control each of these assuming all systems and services required are functioning properly:


How to divert 03001238080 to a different destination than ECC if required.
 This number is managed via BT Inbound Architect.   [THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH CHROME]

Login where it says under Inbound Architect –
 Username = allenr
 Password = see Dashlane

Go to “Lite Control”

The 0300 number diverts to 01209 705330 which is mapped to Route Point 4201.  ECC routes the calls to OOH.

OOH is “Mango”.   Calls are routed to 02891241790, this is routed from route point 1897.  
 We have an agreement with Mango to take our calls in emergency during normal working hours but they need to be aware prior to us sending the calls over.  The CSC will arrange this for us.

As long as we can access an internet connection we can use BT Inbound Architect.


How to divert 01934526000 to a different destination than ECC if required.
 This number is routed directly from the Weston “Audiocodes” SBC to ECC via Mitel Route Point 4209.

OOH is “Mango”. Calls are routed to 01392715490 which is mapped from route point 1881.  

 Note this is a Weston DDI and can be re-routed providing incoming calls can reach the Audiocodes SBC.  It is re-routed using the Audiocodes SBC at Weston,

See Freshservice Solutions/ Telephony for detailed instructions on how to do this. 

How to divert 01934526000 to a different destination if there are no SIP trunks into Weston (no MPLS).

If the SIP trunk is down then we are unable to do anything to redirect 01934526000. (in fact any 01934 number).  To redirect requires  a request to Claranet advising that we need to divert calls to this number to a different destination.  Claranet (actually BT) can only divert a whole DDI range as a minimum.  01934526000 is part of the range 01934526000 to 01934526099.  If we go with asking Claranet to action the divert all 100 numbers will be diverted to Mango.  This activity will quite likely take several hours to get actioned and a similar time to switch back to normal.


How to divert 08458729729 to a different destination than ECC if required.  This is unadvertised now but is still used occasionally.  Normally we don’t bother with this number if diverting the 2 main numbers.

 It is routed using MyInbound to 01209705332.!/login/signin
 The username (gerrycaseley-stl) and password are in Dashlane.

OOH routing is the same as for the 01934 number.

As long as we can access an internet connection we can use Gamma MyInbound.