How to Divert 01934526000 (when the SIP trunks are working)


Please find below the two amendments that need to be made in order for the divert to take effect.

This procedure is to be executed on the Weston Audiocodes SBC,  The login credentials are in Dashlane.  

It is advised for this to be carried out by someone familiar with Audiocodes.


  1. Move IP-to-IP Routing Rule “Weston Main Line Redirect” to sit above the regular “Weston Main Line” rule, the is detailed in the screenshot below.


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  1. In the Outbound Manipulation table move the “Weston Main Line Redirect” rule to the top of the table and change the destination prefix to the number you require, this has been left as the Mango number at present. Please see below.


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When you need to revert back to the normal configuration, move the IP-to-IP routing rule to the bottom of the routing table and perform the same operation with the outbound manipulation rule.