NB: We are only responsible for creating Suppliers in CF Test and NOT in Live as these are created by Finance.
Please request live creditor information from Jo James in first instance or Michelle Stevens if needed.
From your Civica Financials home screen enter “CR Creditor Maintenance ” in the menu search box then select “Go”
In the highlighted box at the top enter the creditor code and press enter – the boxes below will then come alive for completion – example below which fields must be completed
All fields marked with a red Asterix must be populated
Always select standard creditor unless they are required in CX / the CX portal/CAP then select CX Contractor and tick the contractor circle.
Example below of all populated fields:
Bank details are required for CF Test so the systems are accurate and hold he same information as live. Therefore make sure you have got all the Live Information from Jo James in first instance or Michelle Stevens if needed.
Then click on Insert
You will now see a warning message on the screen, this is asking you to update the address field
The Insert Address, Insert Contact and Insert Payment Terms Boxes will now also appear below
To update the address by selecting the highlighted default added
The following screen will appear; complete all necessary fields then Save
The creditor record is now showing status ‘Awaiting Authorisation’ this now needs to be authorised.
Authorising a New supplier/ Supplier Amendment
You are unable to authorise a supplier which you set up. Please contact one of your team members who also has access to CF Test and who can approve the supplier for you. This will be Gary Bourne, Lorraine Baille, or Jen Coffey.
From your Civica Financials home screen enter “CR Authorise Creditors ” in the menu search box then select “Go”
Select CR Authorise Creditors
The following screen will then appear, select Submit
This will then bring a list up of all suppliers awaiting authorisation
Select the Authorise tick box then Authorise
This supplier is now Authorised and active