- Obtain the dates for the years bank holidays. The Government website will provide the next 3 years worth of bank holidays, we should always be ahead, so every year we should be ensuring we have the most up to date year provided on the website, in CX.
In CX:
Set new Normal Office Hours Calendar:
- Search Calendars in the Quick Access Menu in the top right of the screen and select the Calendars option under System>Configuration.
- Select Normal Office Hours option in the left hand pane menu.
- Select Non Working Days from the tabs at the top of the page.
- Use the Calendar navigation to check where the bank holidays have been recorded until.
- Search Non Working Days in the Quick Access Menu in the top right of the screen and select the Non Working Days option under System>Configuration.
Repeat the following steps for each bank holiday date that is required to be added:
- Select New Non Working Day
- Select Bank Holiday is the Non working day type drop down field.
- Set the date accordingly.
- Select Confirm.
- NOTE: If you add an incorrect date, you can remove this by selecting the 'x' when hovering over the Bank Holiday entry against the required date.
- Return to the Normal working day calendar and refresh the screen (or close and reopen) - ensure that the newly added Bank Holidays are present.
NOTE, if the bank holidays are not visible on a calendar, select the Non Working Day button and ensure Bank Holidays are selected.
Out of Hours Service Calendar SHOULD NOT display the bank holidays.
- Access the Out of Hours Service option in the left hand pane menu.
- Select Non Working Days tab and select Non Working Day Type button.
- Ensure that Bank Holiday is not selected in the pop up window.
- If Bank Holiday is selected, deselect the option and Save.