- The Head of Portfolio Options should be prompted to raise a change request for the new Right to Buy for the year. The discounts will need to be updated for April 1st annually. The new discounts are not always known prior to April 1st so can be backdated if needed. The prompt email should be sent mid March.
In CX:
- In the Quick Menu, search for 'discount' and select 'Home Buy Discount Percentage Configuration'.
- Open the 'Right to Buy' > 'England' > 'LiveWest' accordion options in the left hand pane and select '5+ Qualifying Years (House and Flat)'. See blow screenshot:
- Select 'New Percentage'.
- Add 'Flat' and 'Maisonette' to the asset type field using the checkboxes in the dropdown.
- 'RTB starting discount %' will always be '50.00'.
- 'RTB maximum discount %' will always be '70.00'.
- Add the 'RTB Maximum discount cash value' that has been provided by Head of Portfolio Options.
- 'RTB additional discount % (per year)' will always be '2.00'.
- 'Minimum qualifying years' will always be '5'.
- 'Additional discount from year' will always be '6'.
- Set the Effective from date as April 1st for the current year. (This can be backdated if we receive the new discounts after April 1st).
- Select Confirm to save.
- Select 'New Percentage'.
- Add 'House', 'Bungalow', 'Coach House', and 'Linked House' to the asset type field using the checkboxes in the dropdown.
- 'RTB starting discount %' will always be '35.00'.
- 'RTB maximum discount %' will always be '70.00'.
- Add the 'RTB Maximum discount cash value' that has been provided by Head of Portfolio Options.
- 'RTB additional discount % (per year)' will always be '1.00'.
- 'Minimum qualifying years' will always be '5'.
- 'Additional discount from year' will always be '6'.
- Set the Effective from date as April 1st for the current year. (This can be backdated if we receive the new discounts after April 1st).
- Select Confirm to save.
- Now select Save in the top right of the screen.
- Double click on the line in the table for the discount percentage for the previous year for Houses. Add an effective end date for March 31st for the current year.
- Continue the last step for the previous years discount percentage for Flats.
Once the change has been carried out, notify the Head of Portfolio Options via the ticket closure.