
In Keystone:

Keep the newly created contractor details in Cx open alongside Keystone to copy and paste details. Both contractors must be identical. 

  1. Access 'Configure Organisations / Contacts' from the 'Configuration' menu. 
  2. Ensure the 'Organisations' section is highlighted.
  3. Select 'Add'. Must be exactly the same name as Cx to add the organisation
  4. Copy the address into the appropriate 'Address 1', 'Address 2', 'Address 3', 'Address 4' and 'Postcode' fields.
  5. Copy the Contractor name into 'Description'. 
  6. Add any competencies required at this organisation level. You will rarely need to do this, an example would be the stock condition survey competency for stock condition surveyors.
  7. Highlight Organisation and add Contractor below that.
  8. Copy the Contractor name into 'Name'. Same Name with '.' at the end
  9. Tick API User.
  10. Save.
  11. Find the newly added Contractor in the 'Organisations' list, highlight it and select 'Add' to add contact details. 
  12. Copy the Contractor name into 'Name' and add '...' after the name, e.g. Hoistway Ltd... N.B. This is because the organisation name and the contact name cannot be the same. 
  13. Tick 'Primary Contact'.
  14. Select 'keystonesystem' from the 'User Assigned To Contact' drop down. (You may need to shrink your screen to be able to view this dropdown)
    N.B. If this step is not carried out when a planned job is raised in Keystone it will not integrate with Cx.

Once the contractor has been built in both Cx and Keystone, you must add the Contract, Contract Definitions and the SORs. Follow the relevant knowledge articles for these items.