How to setup a shared calendar in Outlook. Please see attached document for an easier to follow guide.
- Open your Outlook calendar
Click on the ‘Folder’ tab
Click on ‘New Calendar’
2. Rename your calendar here and then click ok
3. Your new calendar will be available for selection underneath your other calendars.
Select your new calendar and then click on ‘Calendar Permissions’.
4. Make sure the Default permission level option is set to ‘Reviewer’.
5. If you want to make it so people can add/edit appointments within the calendar, you can click on ‘Add…’ and add in the required users.
Make sure to click on their name so that it’s highlighted before changing permissions.
You can change the individual permissions here.
6. Click on the ‘Folder’ tab
Click ‘Share Calendar’.
Type in the persons name you want to share the calendar with and then click send.